Annual Boat Parade Saturday, July 6th, 2024
Meet at Webb Cove 12:45 Parade Convoy Begins at 1pm
We will have registration/boat numbers and ask that you make it visible from shore
Grantee is responsible for a minimum of 40% of the cost of the approved projects through cash, labor, purchases or other in-kind contribution. CSCOA will provide up to 60% of the cost of the projects,...
Cold Stream Camp Owners' Association
Annual Boat Parade
Ice Cream Social following parade
**Cold Strea...
Reading Anne Argast’s report in the fall newsletter, you might assume that the excellent water quality she observed this past summer means that there is little need to be concerned about Cold Stream P...
As we have said many times, “The CSCOA is not a road association.” Our stated purpose is to protect and improve the water quality of Cold Stream Pond. CSCOA water quality grants are available for land...
Intrepid water skiers.

Cold Stream Pond...
Last summer just wasn’t the same without our usual CSCOA activities. But so far, while this summer may not be completely “normal, it’s looking like we can resume most activities.
June 26 is the plann...
But you can stay warm and look stylish by purchasing Cold Stream Pond clothing items online (click here.) Select and pay for the ite...